Easy Hikes In Anchorage

anchorage hikes

So, you’re looking to explore the great outdoors in Anchorage, but you’re not exactly an experienced hiker. Well, good news! Anchorage offers a wide range of easy hiking trails that are perfect for beginners or those simply looking for a leisurely stroll through nature. From coastal paths with stunning views of the ocean, to serene forest trails that lead to hidden waterfalls, there’s something for everyone. Lace up your hiking boots and get ready to discover the natural beauty of Anchorage on these easy hikes.

Understanding the Terrain of Anchorage

Geographic Overview

Anchorage, located in the south-central region of Alaska, is surrounded by picturesque landscapes and stunning natural beauty. Nestled between the Chugach Mountains and the waters of the Cook Inlet, this vibrant city offers a variety of hiking trails that cater to all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or just starting out, Anchorage provides an abundance of options for outdoor adventure.

Climate Conditions

Anchorage experiences a subarctic climate, characterized by long, cold winters and short, mild summers. The average temperature ranges from 15°F (-9°C) in the winter to 65°F (18°C) in the summer. It’s important to note that the weather can be unpredictable, with sudden changes and varying conditions depending on the elevation and location of the trails. It is advisable to check the weather forecast before embarking on any hiking expedition and dress accordingly.

Wildlife Encounters

Anchorage is known for its diverse wildlife population, and encounters with animals such as moose, bears, and eagles are not uncommon. It is essential to be cautious and respectful when encountering these creatures in their natural habitats. Maintain a safe distance, especially when it comes to moose and bears, as they can be unpredictable and potentially dangerous. It is highly recommended to familiarize yourself with wildlife safety tips and regulations before heading out on the trails.

Safety Precautions for Hiking in Anchorage

Essential Hiking Gear

Before setting out on your hiking adventure in Anchorage, it is crucial to have the necessary gear to ensure your safety and enjoyment. Some essential items to pack include sturdy hiking boots, layered clothing suitable for changing weather conditions, a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, a backpack, a water bottle, snacks, a map or GPS device, a flashlight or headlamp, a first aid kit, a whistle, and bear spray (if venturing into areas known for bear activity). It is always better to be overprepared than underprepared when exploring the Alaskan wilderness.

Wildlife Safety Tips

As mentioned earlier, encounters with wildlife are a common occurrence in Anchorage. Here are some essential wildlife safety tips to keep in mind:

  1. Respect their space: Maintain a safe distance and never approach or attempt to feed any wild animals.
  2. Store food properly: Keep all food and scented items securely stored in bear-resistant containers or hung from a tree at a safe height to prevent attracting bears or other critters.
  3. Make noise: Clap your hands, sing, or talk loudly to alert animals of your presence and avoid surprising them.
  4. Travel in groups: Hike with a companion or join a guided tour to increase safety and reduce the risk of wildlife encounters.
  5. Know how to use bear spray: If you plan to hike in bear country, learn how to properly use bear spray and carry it with you at all times.

Emergency Contact Information

It’s always important to have emergency contact information readily available in case of any unforeseen circumstances. Before starting any hike, take note of the nearest hospitals, park rangers’ contact information, and emergency services numbers. Additionally, inform someone of your hiking plans and estimated return time, so they can alert authorities if needed.

Tony Knowles Coastal Trail

Trail Overview

The Tony Knowles Coastal Trail is a scenic coastal path that stretches approximately 11 miles from downtown Anchorage to the Kincaid Park area. Offering breathtaking views of the Cook Inlet, the trail provides hikers with ample opportunities to appreciate the natural beauty of the surrounding area.

Must-See Points

While hiking along the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail, be sure to visit some of the must-see points, including Earthquake Park, Point Woronzof, and Westchester Lagoon. Earthquake Park offers a glimpse into the devastating effects of the 1964 earthquake, while Point Woronzof provides unobstructed panoramic views of the ocean and wildlife. The Westchester Lagoon, a popular spot for birdwatching, is situated near downtown Anchorage and is a perfect place to take a break and enjoy the serene surroundings.


The Tony Knowles Coastal Trail is easily accessible for hikers of all abilities. With multiple access points throughout the trail, you can choose to start your hike from downtown Anchorage, the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, or Kincaid Park. The trail is mostly flat and well-maintained, making it suitable for individuals with mobility challenges or families with strollers.

Flora and Fauna

While hiking the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail, keep an eye out for the diverse flora and fauna that call this area home. The trail is lined with cottonwood and birch trees, providing a picturesque setting especially during the autumn season when the leaves change colors. Wildlife enthusiasts may also spot bald eagles, moose, beluga whales, and other coastal animals along the coastline.

Kincaid Park Trails

Trail Overview

Kincaid Park, located near the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail, offers an extensive network of trails that cater to a range of hiking abilities. With over 40 miles of trails winding through dense forest and open meadows, hikers can explore the park’s natural beauty while enjoying a variety of recreational activities.

Top Sights

While hiking in Kincaid Park, be sure to visit popular sights such as the Coastal Trail Extension, the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail connection, and the Mize Loop. The Coastal Trail Extension provides stunning ocean views, while the connection to the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail allows for a longer hiking adventure. The Mize Loop, on the other hand, guides hikers through a serene forested area, offering a peaceful and tranquil experience.


Kincaid Park trails vary in difficulty, ranging from easy to moderate. The park offers a range of accessible trails for individuals with mobility challenges, including the Mize Loop and the Coastal Trail Extension. These trails are designed to accommodate wheelchairs, strollers, and individuals with limited mobility, allowing everyone to enjoy the natural wonders of the park.

Wildlife Sightings

As with most outdoor areas in Anchorage, Kincaid Park is home to a diverse range of wildlife. While hiking the trails, keep your eyes peeled for moose, foxes, owls, and a variety of bird species. The park’s pristine natural surroundings provide a sanctuary for these animals, allowing hikers to observe them in their natural habitat.

Flattop Mountain Trail

Trail Overview

The Flattop Mountain Trail is a popular hiking destination located just a short drive from downtown Anchorage. With its iconic silhouette and panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and cityscape, it’s no wonder that this trail has become a favorite among locals and visitors alike.

Best Time to Go

The best time to hike the Flattop Mountain Trail is during the summer months when the weather is milder and the trail is generally free of snow. While the trail can be hiked year-round, hikers should be prepared for changing weather conditions and potential snow cover, especially during spring and fall.

Difficulty Level

The Flattop Mountain Trail is rated as moderate to difficult, primarily due to its steep inclines and rocky terrain. The trail, approximately 1.5 miles in length, gains over 1,300 feet in elevation, providing a challenging yet rewarding hiking experience. It is important to come prepared with sturdy hiking boots, trekking poles (if preferred), and appropriate outdoor clothing to tackle this trail.


One of the highlights of hiking the Flattop Mountain Trail is reaching the summit and being rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views. From the top, hikers can marvel at the majestic Chugach Mountains, the city of Anchorage, and even catch glimpses of the sparkling waters of the Cook Inlet. This vantage point offers unparalleled photo opportunities and a chance to appreciate the beauty of Anchorage from a different perspective.

Eagle River Nature Center Trails

Trail Overview

The Eagle River Nature Center is located approximately 26 miles northeast of downtown Anchorage and serves as a gateway to the Chugach Mountains. The center offers a variety of trails that wind through lush forests, picturesque valleys, and stunning alpine landscapes.

Ideal For Family Hikes

Eagle River Nature Center trails are ideal for family hikes, offering a range of easy to moderate trails suitable for all ages. Trails such as the Albert Loop Trail and the Dew Mound Trail provide a gentle introduction to the surroundings, allowing families to explore the area while enjoying the natural beauty and serenity of the Chugach Mountains.


The trails at the Eagle River Nature Center are accessible to hikers of varying abilities. While some trails may have uneven terrain or exposed tree roots, visitors with strollers or mobility challenges can still enjoy the natural wonders by exploring the accessible sections of the forest. Remember to check with the Nature Center staff for current trail conditions and accessibility information.

Hiking Tips

When hiking in the Eagle River Nature Center trails, be sure to bring insect repellent to ward off mosquitoes and other pesky insects, especially during the summer months. Additionally, it is advised to pack bear spray and make noise while hiking to alert wildlife of your presence. The center also offers guided hikes and educational programs, providing visitors with a more immersive experience and a chance to learn about the local ecosystem.

Powerline Pass Trail

Trail Overview

Located in Chugach State Park, the Powerline Pass Trail is a scenic hiking route that traverses the stunning mountains and valleys in the Anchorage area. This moderate to difficult trail offers hikers a chance to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the region.

Best Time to Hike

The Powerline Pass Trail is best hiked during the summer and early fall when the trail is generally clear of snow. Hikers should be aware that the higher elevations can still retain snow well into the summer months, so it is advisable to check trail conditions before embarking on the hike. Late summer and early fall offer beautiful autumn colors, making it an ideal time for photography enthusiasts to capture the vibrant landscapes.

Difficulty Level

The Powerline Pass Trail is rated as moderate to difficult due to its steep ascents and descents. Hikers should be prepared for challenging sections of the trail, including stream crossings and loose gravel. It is important to have sturdy hiking boots, trekking poles, and proper layers of clothing to tackle the trail safely.

Memorable Highlights

While hiking the Powerline Pass Trail, hikers will be rewarded with breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. From the pass itself, hikers can enjoy panoramic vistas of the Anchorage Bowl, Turnagain Arm, and the nearby mountain ranges. The trail also provides opportunities for wildlife sightings, with the chance to spot bears, moose, and a variety of bird species.

Ship Creek Trail

Trail Overview

Ship Creek Trail is a scenic urban trail that meanders along the banks of the iconic Ship Creek. This easily accessible trail offers a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of downtown Anchorage while providing a glimpse into the city’s history and natural surroundings.

Facilities Available

Ship Creek Trail provides amenities such as benches, picnic areas, and interpretive signage along the route, allowing hikers to take breaks and learn about the area’s significance. The trail also features fishing platforms that attract anglers trying their luck at catching salmon during the fishing season.


Ship Creek Trail is easily accessible, starting near the William Jack Hernandez Sport Fish Hatchery and extending several miles along the creek. The trail is flat and well-maintained, making it ideal for walkers, joggers, and individuals with limited mobility. It is a popular choice for those seeking a leisurely stroll close to downtown Anchorage.

Local Attractions

In addition to its scenic beauty, Ship Creek Trail provides access to other local attractions. The nearby Alaska Railroad Depot offers a chance to witness the comings and goings of the historic train, while the bustling Ship Creek area provides opportunities for waterfront dining, shopping for Alaskan souvenirs, and enjoying the lively atmosphere of the annual salmon runs.

Campbell Tract Loop

Trail Overview

Located in the Campbell Tract, a 730-acre natural area within the city of Anchorage, the Campbell Tract Loop is a popular hiking trail that showcases the region’s natural diversity. This easy to moderate loop trail allows hikers to immerse themselves in nature without venturing too far from the city.

Wildlife Sightings

The Campbell Tract Loop is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including moose, beavers, and a multitude of bird species. Birdwatchers will especially enjoy the opportunity to spot resident and migratory birds in the different ecosystems of the tract, making it an ideal trail for nature enthusiasts.


Campbell Tract Loop is accessible to hikers of all abilities. The trail is well-marked and features interpretive signage, providing information about the flora and fauna found in the area. Its close proximity to the city and gentle terrain make it an excellent option for families, nature walks, and those seeking a peaceful retreat without the need for a long drive.

Recreational Opportunities

In addition to hiking, the Campbell Tract offers a range of recreational opportunities. The area features groomed cross-country ski trails in the winter, making it a favorite spot for winter sports enthusiasts. The tract also has designated trails for mountain biking, allowing visitors to explore the area on two wheels during the warmer months.

Post-Hiking Activities in Anchorage

Local Cuisine Restaurants

After a long day of hiking, treat yourself to the diverse flavors of Anchorage’s local cuisine. The city boasts a vibrant food scene with an array of dining options, from fresh seafood to international cuisine. Sample Alaskan delicacies such as wild salmon, king crab, reindeer sausage, or savor dishes inspired by Native American traditions. Anchorage offers something to satisfy every palate, making it a haven for food lovers.

Museums and Cultural Attractions

Immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of Anchorage by visiting its iconic museums and cultural attractions. The Anchorage Museum, located downtown, offers exhibits that showcase Alaska’s unique heritage, art, and science. Explore the Alaska Native Heritage Center to learn about the diverse cultures and traditions of Alaska’s indigenous people. Don’t forget to make a stop at the Alaska Aviation Museum to discover the region’s aviation history and explore vintage aircraft.

Relaxing Spa

After a day of hiking, indulge in some much-needed relaxation and pampering at one of Anchorage’s luxurious spas. Treat yourself to a massage, facial, or body treatment to rejuvenate your mind and body. Unwind in a tranquil setting and let the soothing hands of skilled therapists melt away any muscle soreness or tension accumulated during your hike. Anchorage’s spas offer a serene oasis for self-care and the ultimate way to unwind after a day in the great outdoors.

As you explore the easy hikes in Anchorage, remember to prioritize safety by being prepared, respecting wildlife, and adhering to trail regulations. With its diverse trails, stunning landscapes, and a myriad of post-hiking activities to enjoy, Anchorage is truly a hiker’s paradise. So lace up your hiking boots, grab your gear, and embark on an unforgettable adventure in this Alaskan gem.

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